12:29 AM

Goodbyes & Hellos

People come and go. Its life but Im not ready to let go of you just yet. You were the hardest goodbye and the bitterest See you later, but later isnt soon enough. My laughter is complete with yours, my day's agenda has a permanent place with your name on it after 5pm. My evenings belong to you. That summer fling, the little things, must have become more, because the tears are still slowly flowing, my infatuation keeps growing and so does the distance. The most beautiful thing is that someone like you fell for someone like me, I deserve you and I didnt want to have to give it up. Maybe you will stumble across this, and realize that this girls heart was yours all along.

As I say Goodbye I wave hello to a new year, a fresh start, and the greatest of opportunities. The nonsense has been flushed down the toilet. Its my time, check the clock.


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