11:21 PM


Home Sweet Home.
Whoa! Those words never been more real to me than now. Syracuse put me through so many challenges that I still have yet to overcome and understand. I have come to see myself as stronger than I ever anticipated for being happy with myself, for giving my best academically, for nursing my own broken heart, and accomplishing the short term goals I set for myself. Every break, I discover more about myself and complete another leg of the race. After only 2 semesters there, I feel like I been there an eternity and have grown so much. Each day I continue growing, each heartache makes me stronger, and each fake friend gets cut. Family is the only thing I need around me & there are few people who I can call that. Friends? yes they are important but they have to be chosen wisely, and we all make mistakes. Keeping my mind and eyes open. I'm just happy to be home surrounded by the people who make my world spin, I can let my guard down for a little bit. More soon! xoxo Happy Holidays!
Topics to come:
Friends: What does that really mean?
The Long Awaited: Love Triangle


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